
Ibuprofen and a fruit scone with blackcurrant jam was what the doctor ordered for a day when murk reigned supreme and the whole world was a depressing shade of grey, matching my mood.

There were other plans afoot for today but the weather and my inability to have slept in a position which avoided an aching shoulder, meant that we lacked any resolve to put them into action. Had the son shone, we might have felt differently.

I did manage to summon up the energy to blip the first crocuses blooming in the Meadows. They are about 2 months early this year and the yellow ones seemed more in evidence, although there were some purple ones hiding in the grass too.

To change tack slightly and give credit where credit is due, I confess never to have been a fan of Madonna, but changed my opinion a little last night when she was interviewed on the Graham Norton Show.

She has a quirky sense of humour which I enjoyed and her use of what appeared to be diamond encrusted upmarket cycling gloves was a clever idea to hide old wrinkled hands.
In fact, I have the very thing in my drawer of cycling clothes, although they're not bejewelled and come with a terry towelling strip on each thumb for nose wiping.
Still they would cover wrinkles and the odd liver spot.

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