Christmas shopping.........aggghhhh
It had to be done - a trip to the shopping outlets. Busy but not as bad as it might have been. Managed to get a lot of my (admittedly small) lust knocked off and home in time to catch the sunset.
Picked up a bargain lamb shoulder yesterday at the local supermarket - £8.33 for 2 kilos of deliciousness. So I made a baste of spring onions, sun dried tomatoes, anchovies, red chilli, chives, parsley and garlic yesterday and rubbed it on the lamb this morning before placing jt in the slow cooker with sliced red onion, carrots, butter beans and a glass of red wine.
The house smelled delicious when we got home. We ate it with mashed potatoes and pan fried courgettes - yum yum yum. Plenty left for tomorrow. (Pic in extras)
As it’s the first of December we had the first of our advent calendars - a cracklings treat fir Mr PHL and a wee choccy treat for me.
Happy December everyone.
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