Life In Wales

By KarenC

Snow Dog

We didn't have any more snow last night, but the temperatures dropped to about -4 degrees, so it didn't melt. There's a lot more forecast for tonight and tomorrow morning though - just hope it doesn't cause problems for our trip to the UK on Thursday!

Anyway, Louis and I went out for a walk across the fields again so he could have a play in it before I go to work. Unfortunately, it's gone very hard underfoot in a lot of places so he couldn't really chase around - he fell on a patch of ice and ended up on his back, and then ran after a stick but started limping, so we called it a day. His foot is fine now, I think it was probably the cold which was making him limp - if only he'd wear his Ugg boots!

He loves to eat the snow and if you look closely you can see it all stuck to his face :-)

Time for me to go to work, and Louis is curled up now, nice and cosy in his bed. Have a good day!

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