Dewdrops on Bryony

With janet gone to her watercolour class and only a mid-day council meeting to attend, I set out with the camera and a long lens in case there was anything incautious enough to become a Friday Foto...

Climbing up the steep and staggered steps that cross the main Midlands line, I notived the sunlight glinting off these bryony berries. Then I got to the top of the embankment and paused for breath...

In the distance I could see an approaching train, so I waited and decided to grab a shot. As I did, the train I'd not paid attention to came roaring past my ear at a hundred miles per hour! Extra.

Happily, I'm not an idiot and was well protected from the railway anyway. Nevertheless it does show how fast these buggers are, and why you really need to keep your wits about you.

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