Just Walking

Last night we stayed at a motel in Fish Creek. Small town - not a lot there - but interesting. The cockatoos had invaded a tree in the motel's garden - hundreds of them and the noise!!!! All of them screaming and screeching at each other. Darkness sorted that though. Cockatoos are pests and do lots of damage but are not considered pests officially.

This morning we set off for Wilson's Promontory taking in a few beaches on the way - all interesting scenery and features. We did a short wildlife walk and managed to see some emus and kangaroos. Wonderful scenery.

The 'pair of legs' sign is common around here for the equivalent of zebra crossings. I have an idea for a composite photo, which I will process properly in due course, but John's legs 'edited' will give you the idea!

This evening we are back with the relos and enjoying a glass (or two) of wine watching some old Paul Hogan shows - very funny.

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