
By Miffy

Back Blip…

………………….Orkney Islands

A Back Blip, uploaded Friday 29th November for 11th May.

Today was spent on Orkney Islands. At John o' Groats we boarded a ferry for the 45 minute crossing to South Ronaldsay where a local bus and driver met us.

We drove across the four Churchill Barriers, saw Scapa Flow, got a tad wet braving the walk around the Ring of Brodgar, lunched at the Orkney Brewery before a tour of the establishment, then a wonderful visit to the museum and Skara Brae and Skaill House. Before returning to the ferry and our trip back to the mainland we had time to explore the town of Kirkwall.

Main photo shows the storm clouds above the stones forming the Ring of Brodgar.

Extra Photos
John o’ Groats, Ferry crossing, Churchill Barriers & Scarpa Flow
Skara Brae & Skaill House

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