
By K9tam


This cheery picture belies the weather we've had today. It's been drizzle and rain all day, and so dark and dull.

It is my friends birthday today. She lives across the road from me and as I hadn't a suitable card I thought I'd take a local scene and make that her card, I liked the idea of a picture taken on the day of her birthday. And I got my blip!

We had intended to go swimming today, but both didn't really fancy it. So I headed off to Ikea and had a 'dirty hot dog'. I have no doubt a swim would have been the healthier option, but I got a few bits that I've been meaning to get. Continued on the hunt for some bath toys for the kids - Never thought how hard that would be. The toy isles in any shop do my head in! All that colour and so many bits, and SO much of it!

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