
By RogMull

From SOWETO in Johannesburg...Art

In March I am heading off for a week at Lake Victoria, on the border of Zambia and Zimbabwe. It is also quite near the very tip of Namibia's Kaprivi strip. It was in Namibia that I bought this, a work by Daniel Selepe, a Soweto born artist. While looking over some trip details today, I thought that this could be today's Blip, not least since the weather outside is quite awful and I have no intention of braving the elements.

Daniel Selepe mainly works in pencil, charcoal and wash. His work is reproduced quite widely in South Africa, and I simply liked this.

After yesterday photograph, which I admit to being quite proud of, I was having difficulty today getting a proper shot. I'm really a beginner as a photographer and have much to learn. The picture omits the frame as I couldn't find a way to get rid of glare from the frame, so I've done a hatchet job on it (called cropping, I know).

A big thanks to all those people who have been giving me positive comments. I need the encouragement at this early stage of my photographic career....Must turn to page two on how to be a photographer...

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