a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

The call of the Commonwealth

Didn't really expect to find myself at Blackwattle Bay today. Not entirely sure why I even came down here.

Clearly I should never underestimate the lengths I will go to in order to avoid housework. There are more chores than you can poke a stick at, and what do I do? I leg it, and don't look back over my shoulder as I flee in case I am turned into a pillar of laundry starch.

But you see, I'm convinced that any day now I'm going to get a call from the Commonwealth Games Committee, informing me that Procrastination is now accepted as an official sport, and that I will be representing Australia at the 2014 Games in Glasgow.

So it behooves me to keep in training - it takes discipline, practice and dedication to get this good. And I will not fail my country in the event that it needs me.

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