a little bit of rhubarb

By Puggle

A slight nocturnal duck fetish

Yes, yes, I know.

I already blipped the duck, the day after it arrived in Darling Harbour for the Sydney Arts Festival.

And it's quite possible that every person with a camera in the Sydney area has taken a Duck At Night photo.

I considered not bothering with trying a night shot, because there are already some amazing images of the duck out there in blipland. Then I decided that I wanted to take one, if only for myself. Blipping it wasn't on the agenda.

And then, while sitting on the edge of the wharf and wondering why the harbour was jam-packed with people, the PA system announced that fireworks would be starting in 10 minutes. Which rather explained the cast of thousands.*

There wasn't a hope of extricating myself from the nook I'd wedged myself into and moving to a position that was better suited for a firework + duck combo. So I dug my toes into the edge of the wharf for extra grip, ferreted out my tripod from my bag, clung onto it like grim death to lessen the chances of it being knocked into the harbour by the people sitting 0.02 inches from me, and had a go anyway.

And after that unexpected round of fireworks, I gave up resisting temptation and decided to add yet one more tribute to Sydney's duck fetish. Sorry. :-)

* I wish my grasp of German was better - two girls wedged up next to me seemed to be having a highly animated discussion, which appeared to be based around the subject of a showdown between Spiderman and Hitler. What the....?

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