London Wall

If I catch an overground from work to Moorgate, and walk up to Barts, I walk along London Wall.

It’s new to me but an every day thing to so many.

LongLegs hasn’t had a great day. Nothing threatening just lots of hurdles.

At one point, bloody fluids started pouring down his chest. He thought something really terrible was happening and I can only describe his next hour as a form of shock. (It was just fluid from a drain wound)

It does seem that medically, he pleases them. But the hurdles can be distressing.

And NoaNoa, we finally got him to a GP - he has acute gingivitis, something I’ve never heard of before. So antibiotics for him and a return in 48 hours.

And my mother is not well. Her kidneys are not functioning well.

And Mabel’s not well. She’s not eating and not moving ...

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