
By Enzotraveldog

Accident and Emergency

Silverback log:

Last night we camped at Walpole, WA with plans of a fun day doing a tree top walk and going on a harbour cruise. Plans started going astray about three am when it started raining. First rain we’d seen since August, so we were a bit thrown.

Cancelling our plans, we drove onto Albany, about 100km away. It was the first settlement site in WA and the departure point for ANZAC soldiers going to Gallipoli and France in WWI.

We went to a big new ANZAC memorial museum. It was monumentally sad seeing all the old photos of bright young faces going off to war mostly to come back broken or not at all. So much so that I took no photos! It was a lovely museum but quite depressing!

We followed that with an art exhibition in an old hospital repurposed as the towns regional gallery. The exhibition wasn’t much chop, but the building was interesting. Each room was named according to its old purpose. So the office was labelled X-ray dept. etc!

Day still not going too well, we drove off to a lookout point only to find it was in the National Park and dogs weren’t even allowed in vehicles!

The only thing left was the single malt distillery. A small dram of salvation at the end of a trying day!

Enzo’s day was pretty dull, he got to walk up to the hilltop memorial at the ANZAC museum but otherwise did a lot of ‘mind the van’ duties.

One highlight was at a cafe where we stopped for coffee. A seagull tried to steal a sausage from someone’s breakfast plate but couldn’t manage to fly away with it and it fell at Enzo’s feet. Excellent!

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