Who, Me?

For Harebell

Each morning I see a couple of hares over my back fence. They are usually too far away for me to get a photo of them. This morning they came a little closer, but not enough for a good clear shot. I was far enough away for this one to turn its back and continue grazing.

Hare, Lepus capensis, introduced to New Zealand for sport.

I'd lost track of how long this nor'wester has been blowing. I checked through my photos and found that is a week. No wonder it feels like forever. Today it has been very gusty at times, but heavy overcast skies have kept the temperature down in the high 20s C. However,when the sun cleared the nor'west arch it quickly rose to over 30º.

With the clouds so thick it was safe for me to go for my walk wearing a low-cut, sleeveless top. While I was out there was a brief spitty shower. What a delicious sensation of raindrops on my skin!

But then a twospotted ladybird tried to spoil it all by biting me.

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