
I think it's safe to say that when it comes to books, my eyes are bigger than my stomach. Quite apart from the bookcase, there have been piles of books on the chairs, the table, and the floor of the dining room for ages and this has long been one of many Major Chores That Needs Doing. 

After today's long run and a fantastic nap in front of the fire, I picked up Abi from work and then, while she went in the shower, I finally started on addressing the issue. It wasn't just the books; in amongst those piles there were bits of paper, pens, cables, and bits of packaging: all sorts.

Step one was to get everything onto the table and, around the time I took this photo, I had most of the books sorted into: unread; read but keeping; read but going to the charity shop; and, most painful, unread but going to the charity shop, anyway. It's this last pile that needs to grow some more as I need to be honest with myself about the books that, frankly, I'm never going to pick up. 

The job's not done but I reached a point where I was ready to leave it until the morning. After that, I cooked a vegetarian chilli* for me and Abi, and then spent most of the evening working on my next playlist for The Song Sommelier, for which I need to write the 'sleevenotes', tomorrow. 

*containing, at her request, zero chillis. She loved it! (I stirred some chilli flakes into my portion.)

-11.8 kgs
Reading: haven't actually started, ironically, given today's post. 

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