Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Shopping (sort of)

I slept pretty well last night - the first for ages - only awake for three short coughing stints and straight back to sleep. Must have been the Vicks on the soles of my feet...

JR isn’t feeling too sprightly, so she skipped the gym this morning, the first time for ages. Toast and coffee in bed was much more enticing. I was up and about earlier than I have been for a while.

Elizabeth came for Archie, and once they’d set off for the day, we got the bus into Morningside for a wander. There are lots of wee giftie shops (and cafes) there, but I soon lost interest. However, we went into the wee back room in Mellis, the cheesemonger. (You can see the shop through the windows). Didn’t realise it was there, and it was charming. Only a few tables, lots of tiles and old photos and nicknacks - perfect. Except that the only other folk in, a group of four, who were Very Loud and every now then would explode in donkey-bray laughter. Absolutely oblivious of their quiet, elegant, peaceful surroundings (and me glaring at them). Fortunately, before I went over and smacked their heads together, they left. I'm not fond of loud, inconsiderate folk like that.

We had a dander round a few shops and I did get a few new brass screws to replace the rusty ones from the window soon-to-be-newly-brassed pulls before I chucked in the towel and came home.

Elizabeth stayed for a glass or two of wine, as usual, Archie spread out on her lap, as usual. What a life he has!

Just awaiting the Prince Andrew interview. Looking forward to this. What puzzles me is that if he now has 'no recollection' of ever meeting this girl who is accusing him, then why don’t the police just ASK the other person in the incriminating photo? 

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