Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

Sofa day

JR didn’t feel too well today, not having slept much, but a morning tucked up in bed instead of a gym visit, and she rallied round enough to get up and move on to the sofa. Also, Rufus and his mum came up the road with some home made soup for us! How kind.

Becky and Daniel took Archie out today, which was even more appreciated than usual.

It was sunny but cold. Very cold. I put Archie's coat on to take him out round the block this evening. He stood stock still for ages while I got my coat on and fiddled around. He HATES his coats. But as soon as we go out, his tail pops up and he trots off, forgetting about it.

Hope we're both perky tomorrow. Wee Pretzel is visiting.

I very much enjoyed the P Andrew interview last night - the best thing on telly in a long time! Great fun reading the reactions to it this morning. Talk about a car crash! Actually, much worse... I loved the quote 
'That was a plane crashing into an oil tanker, causing a tsunami, triggering a nuclear explosion bad...'

If you didn’t see it, it's worth watching on YouTube.

Makes a nice change from Brexit and election hyperbole.

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