At Last

I opened the blinds this morning and there was a flock of sparrows on the feeder on the other side of the window .... and they never moved - even when I moved away.

So I got the camera and went back and found this ........... amazing isn't it?

I went to a couple of tool shops today that show band saw blades on their sites (having had my last blade snap half way through a job yesterday).
Both of them said " Yes, we do them - but we don't hold them in stock we will need to order them".
What the hell is that all about?
I can order them on-line myself and get them just as quickly and cheaper.
Most people need to lay their hands on something like that when it snaps not in a few days.

So I did a spot of turning instead.

And then I managed to get a couple of shots of the coloured sky and the reeds

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