Waxing Lyrical

I made another batch of beeswax moisturiser today - grapefruit and tea tree this time. Smells good! Grapefruit always brightens both my complexion and my mood - a winner. 
Elena (one half of the Beautiful Italians) dropped off a homemade spinach, ricotta and bacon tart for the homeless guys, even homemade pastry! Looked and smelled amazing!! 
Joha and Isabel dropped by early evening too - the kids painted stones to give away as Christmas gifts.
Then just as I was heading out for an evening with Becky and Maleni, Ricardo showed up at the door - he'd been beaten up. Lost some teeth, swollen arm...he needed warm clothes and food. I'd got one portion of vegetable soup left which was perfect!! There are definite benefits to batch cooking things like that!
A nice evening with B&M...good to natter and catch up - we've been out 2x in 2 years, we need to improve that stat.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) A chat on the phone with my Dad.
2) Different people coming on board with the meals - Danny and I were saying we should get everyone together who contributes in different ways, and do something to say thankyou and introduce them all to each other.
3) Honest conversation with Becky and Maleni - the type that leaves you with a vulnerability hangover the next day.

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