Amazing Anne

This morning this lovely woman took some family pics of us. She was one of the 2 who did the Grand Tribe interview and we hit it off. We’ve been meeting regularly for coffee and Danny teaches her French! She’s a wedding photographer by trade, and an excellent one too. It was a fun hour with her wandering round Dalt Vila having pics done.
Asha’s gone off for a sleepover and I saw Letesia. It’s been a funny day weather wise, grey and dreary. It’s left me feeling a touch off kilter, I can’t work out if I feel a bit off physically. Mint tea and a good night’s sleep will see me right.

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Week 2 of the Discernment mini course we’re doing. Glad we got the time right this week!
2) Anne’s generosity in taking these family pics.
3) Bumping into John, Dawn and Helen whilst out with Letesia this evening.

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