Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Oh What a Circus!

No sooner was I back from my family visit than I was off to join the circus!

Well, off to hang out with some circus folk at least.

While I was away I missed most of the Cirqadia Festival of circus, which was the brainchild of Nick and Barry from Freefall Circus and was event-managed by my old pal Nici 

The festival focused on sexuality, identity and performance and I was glad to be able to make it to the final event which was a symposium in which some of the performers talked about the political and academic aspects of their work, including some video clips of their performances to illustrate their presentations.

The Extra photo is of Sadiq Ali, whose work ‘The Chosen Haram’ explores his identity as a gay Scottish Muslim. But today’s Blip had to be of Freefall’s Barry who’s due to move up to Glasgow with his husband in 4 days time, where he’s going to be teaching circus skills to children, and is planning to adopt children of his own. 

Liverpool’s loss will certainly be Glasgow’s gain! Good luck, Barry!

Here, once again, are REM with ‘Circus Envy’ I love this song! 

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