"Quirky, sparkly, hidden gem"

Once I knew I was coming down to see Ric, I needed somewhere to stay. Through AirBnB, I found a place that looked a treat and it was such a good price that I decided to book two nights on the off-chance that the Minx would be able to come with me.

As it happened, she couldn't, so I had a whole day in Brighton, today, on my own (about which I am not complaining!). Here is the view from the front doorstep of the AirBnB, which describes itself, quite rightly, as a "quirky, sparkly, hidden gem".

I spent most of the day working, to be honest, albeit part of that from a nice little bar I found just along the road. And, in the evening, I went out for a long walk and found a lovely little Italian restaurant where I spent a happy hour and a half with my book, a bottle of wine, and some excellent food. 

No scales
Reading: 'Blue Moon' by Lee Child.

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