Flying visit

Mum and dad drove up yesterday for a very brief visit. We had turned the heating on, but the house takes a while to heat up. Over 24 hours later I dropped in after work to spend an hour with them. Mum was wrapped up with scarf, blankets and a hot water bottle. Dad never takes off his jacket anyway!! They were in good spirits, and after 5 goes, I even got, what passes for a smile, out of dad. You wouldn't believe he is 90 in 11 days would you?!! He really is inspiring. This year has been so challenging, but it makes me so proud to see him so strong. They are heading home tomorrow (where i think it is far colder!!)

My day has been productive, starting at 8. But I've got a headache and cough, so flagging now. I managed a bit more christmas shopping at lunchtime. I am spending significantly less this year on my closest family, for various reasons, so they are done. It does seem strange not buying lots and lots though. Now to start on things for parents, sisters and family etc. Would be great to have it done by the end of the month!!

Henry is at college this week, and so met me after work for his lift home. We were back home by 6 and they both went to the gym.

I've had a lovely facetime chat with Mollie and now need my bed!

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