Massive Letdown.
In 1854, Charles Kingsley came to Bideford and wrote his best seller 'Westward Ho!' So successful was it, that tourism started in the town, the nearby coastal section of pebbled ridge was developed and took the Westward Ho! name.
The Water Babies is Kingsley's other well known novel, and was a children's fantasy with an interest in sanitary reform (well, aren't they all.)
Kingsley seemed to strongly disapprove of the naming and development of the area.
The marble statue is approx. eight feet tall (approx 240cms) upon a nine feet high (270cms) portland stone plinth.
Track one of the Half Man Half Biscuit album 'Urge for Offal' is called 'Westward Ho! - Massive Letdown.'
Many thanks to Merrilhope for hosting the profile themed mono monday.
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