Not a light day. This is only relevant to my remembering that the electrician is coming tomorrow to fix many things, including this rabbit-nibbled lamp that defied my meagre talents at fixing lamps.
Very large bit of work off my desk today. It will come back for further iterations but getting that v1 draft out of the door, 24 hours ahead of deadline, is a good feeling. Let's hope I can get tomorrow's priority (for my resident client) done as effectively!
Also today saw my annual trip to the tax office to print out my local tax bills and complain gently that yet again they have taken no account of my "new" address (they use a Scottish address from seven years ago) so I get fined every year for not having received my bill. Every year the local office politely explains how to appeal, and every year the appeal is ignored. So now I almost accept it as a 10% tax on being foreign, though it pinches a bit now that they've reduced the local tax for residents, but I still pay the max, plus 10% "second home" supplement plus 10% foreign idiot supplement. Still better than Brexit though. And I ate some fab cheese today.
Meanwhile, CarbBoy basketballed. They don't have enough players in his age group, so he's been promoted to the next age group up. Not sure how comfortable I am with my wee boy* playing against 17 year olds.
*As tall as me and now stronger. I need to get over myself, as I am often told by the gruff-voiced, rolling-eyed, hulking man-child himself.
TallGirl decided it was her turn for an essay crisis so, very much missing Mr B's knowledge on this, we muddled through religion, geopolitics and geoculture. Oh, he would have loved it. I suspect her essay may be unique in the class, with its focus on the English reformation and the religious conflicts reported in the Guardian...
In my downtime from all that, I designed a garden gate. Quite when I am going to find time to build it before Saturday morning (when the hen-fence installers come) is uncertain. Quite how I am going to pick Mr B up from Toulouse and CarbBoy from Judo at the same time tomorrow night is similarly unclear to me. But I'm a great believer in the morning bringing clarity. A glass of wine has fortified me for the religious discussion, but I fear sleep may claim me before TallGirl texts (don't mock, it's a big house) to summon me for the read-through.
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