Giving a fig
It appears that the figs came out while we were away, despite being hard as rocks when we left. I salvaged a few from the ravening hordes of flies and birds.
My body has decided to ignore European Winter Time and wakes me up at 10 to 6 every morning. A time that would be a lie-in on Mr B airport trip mornings, but not otherwise. The stubborn eyes-closed determinedly-staying-in-bed time was put to [good] [insert your own adjective here] use by getting up to date on the Archers. Once verticality was inevitable, work, then some essential foraging for chestnut fence posts and Magnesium tablets (not linked).
The afternoon saw me taxiing a bunch of geeks (TallGirl approved this message) to the latest iteration of the Chemistry Olympiad thing at the fancy uni in Toulouse. Turns out they had a mad-interesting talk about wood protection products. I now wish I had foregone my quiet time wrestling contracts in the Uni bar and gone to the lecture myself. Some smart folk are protecting wood from termites by making it part-fat (I may be paraphrasing...) which termites can’t digest. Has the side-benefit of making it impervious to water for 120 years. There was some lighter stuff about railway sleepers, creosote*, and charcoal too.
* A word TallGirl can’t say which is odd for such an articulate person.
Later, home for a fast early dinner, and taking CarbBoy to jujitsu, which he is trying on for size. He came out grinning. So there go my Wednesday and Friday nights (Thursday already lost to basketball). When living in the country became a thing for us, I never imagined I’d have such a ‘joining-in’ child. Now I long for public transport...
Political news even crazier today.
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