
By CharlotteJ

Can I come back?

Will you have me back?
A month went very quickly!

I think Dad sent me a message...this little note...simple. It was tucked in a box and I found it by the box were photos, the note and them made me think of blip.

This note was written probably 10 (more) years ago. How do I know that? Well dad couldn’t read or write after his stroke and that was about 10 years ago....he never regained that ability. He never called me Charl ever again.

My reason for my abrupt departure from blip was, in all honesty, due to me needing to refocus emotionally and professionally. I had to stop social media, too much distraction. I was looking at other peoples life in pictures and not looking at my own life.

Loosing my parents has taken me completely off course (it’s ok not to be ok) and I needed to get away from distractions and to think about me and my life without them. I’m still thinking.

Work also is incredibly stressful at the moment, personally and professionally. I’m hoping a way forward will soon present itself.

I stopped everything I loved doing, that is / was not right. I realise that. So I’m picking up my camera again.

I’m focusing on healthy and my new adventure - life without my mum and dad.

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