
By CharlotteJ

We are back!

We are home, Hereford home!
We had two very good flights with Emirates and landed earlier than planned yesterday (Monday).  Unfortunately, getting back to Hereford wasn't so easy!  We got caught up in an accident (we were not involved).  The accident must have happened a few minutes before we got to it. this resulted in the road being closed and us waiting for a few hours in the car.  We had Tess and Mills in their crates, cats don't really understand delays but thankfully they were very good and actually fell asleep.  We missed my scheduled Waitrose delivery because of the delays but  I have to say Waitrose were very good and made a plan for me to collect it today instead, however, I received a call from the delivery driver and she offered to deliver the shopping to me on her way home as she has to pass us, so in the end I got the food shop a few hours after it was originally planned for.  Today has been the normal busy.  I was surprised to see some of my roses having the second go at flowering - in November! I cut this rose bush back in September so was surprised to see it flowered again.  Rest of the week will be the usual bonkers....I am so behind with blip and your journals.  Happy Tuesday 

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