
By merlbec


These two and I are the original Psychobabblers. Let me explain (and doli will tell you I've made a career of "explaining")...

We three first met when we each separately walked in to our first tutorial in our Psych degrees as "mature-age" students, oh, say (ahem..cough)-teen years ago. Each of us separately looked around the room, thought "oh dear, they're all so young, who am I going to sit next to?" and then spied the other two. We became friends quite quickly and started our own study group to help us cope with Statistics and other delightful things. Over the years, we each went at our own pace, met and befriended others along the way, formed numerous study groups, had many coffees, dinners and parties, and the group grew to about 20 people. Mostly, but not exclusively, women. All of us "mature-age".

A lot of us have stayed in touch since uni, several of us meeting for regular movie nights, sometimes but not always with a psychological theme. Careers have gone in all sorts of directions too, some have become counsellors, researchers, educators, etc, others have moved into areas outside of psychology. I went back to music as my first love, but retain a passionate interest in matters psychological.

Somewhere along the way, someone said we needed a name for the group and someone else coined the term 'Psychobabblers'. Says it all, really...

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