Falling Leaves

I thought I would try zooming the lens during a slightly lengthy exposure this morning.
I have come to the conclusion that it was easier in the old days of pull/push zoom lenses rather than the turning barrel that we have these days.
This was the only one that came even close (and I took quite a few).

My 7 image exhibition is now up and hanging straight in The Larder café within Strathbrock centre in Broxburn.
My intension was to change the pictures in a couple of months, but Chef has said one month - to keep things fresh and to give me more exposure.
Fair enough.

PD was acting slightly weird on our lunchtime walk in the route he took and the fact that he was greeting dogs that he normally avoids - even the owner of the two huge Huskies commented on it. He went and threw himself in the river as well. After we got home and I had dried him off I went out to the garage for a while. When I came back in PD was lying shivering …… a wee bit worrying I have to say. So I put a couple of his towels over him and after a while he seemed to warm up and stop shivering, although he made no attempt to remove the towels and still looked a bit forlorn. (See the extras box).

I failed at the camera club's first appraisal tonight -- I didn't get the lowest marks. My intention is to put in images to confuse/annoy/force thought from the appraisers this year. (The 4 images start Here)

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