My Magic Kingdom

By HRHCinderella


First thing I did was call through to the hospital to check on Mr G. His pain is under control and he has had his glucose levels tested. The doctors are not happy with the results and have put him on insulin. This means he will have to stay another night so they can monitor it.

I would have liked to be able to speak to the doctors but the nurses are being strict with visiting hours which is frustrating for me, the control freak. I also know that he needs moral support to get through this and I would like to be able to stay with him for longer periods.

A REALLY BIG THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU FOR YOUR WONDERFUL SUPPORT! It really does make a difference to know that we are in your thoughts and we can feel your kindess and good wishes all the way from where you are sending them!

I got the children up and took them down to the beach. It was overcast and cool this morning. Perfect weather for playing in the rocks with a net. The boys met some real fisherman and got chatting, learning the tricks of the trade. Meantime I was taking lots of photos. All the time thinking how I was going to find very difficult to choose something to Blip later.

I sat myself on one of the rocks and just clicked away: the lighthouse, fisherman in front of the lighthouse, sea gulls, the waves on the rocks, the pier and the rocks, the boys on the rocks, etc. It was a shame the lighting was not better.

After a while the wind picked up from a sea breeze to a strong gust. We were nearly blown away walking back to the hotel! It was time for breakfast and then a visit to Mr G.

Mr G and I had promised to take the children to the Sharks Board. Now with the weather changing to rain today it seemed like a good opportunity to go and visit. Their demo times also fitted in well with hospital visiting hours!

The Kwazulu Natal Sharks Board has an exhibition area, video presentation and shark dissection to enable visitors to become knowledgeable about sharks and what this organisation does. Their presentation was excellent and even though I have been here many times I still learnt new things.

As you can see the dissection is quite gory but really fascinating. This was a female great white speciman weighing 200kgs, 2.2m long who was caught in the nets yesterday. If sharks are found alive they are released but if they are found dead they bring them in for research.

After this interesting visit we were in time to visit Mr G. He was doing much better this afternoon and came outside the ward so that S could visit with him too!

We then went for an early supper at Mimmos before dropping T at an old friend. It was great catching up with the family who recently moved here from Sandton. T and A have known each other since they were 6 years old and were thrilled to be re-united!

After worrying about choosing a Blip this morning I then added the shark board photos. Now I had over 300 photos to choose from! I am sorry to have shocked a few people with my choice but this is really not something you see every day!

Good friends are like stars. You don't always see them, but you know they're always there!

My Joy Today:
~Mr G out of pain and on the mend.
~ Keeping cool in a soft Natal rain shower.
~ Catching up with an old friend.
~ Feeling all your Blipping good wishes for my family!


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