
Lovely Scots word for a not very nice type of weather/atmosphere.

The Urban Dictionary says the following:
"Dreich (Old Scots origin)
A combination of dull, overcast, drizzly, cold, misty and miserable weather. At least 4 of the above adjectives must apply before the weather is truly dreich."

I'm sure there were more than the four adjectives listed that would have described today's weather.

Felt like I got back to proper working mode today. In one of my discussions on the phone today we were saying how it was really difficult to get back into swing after Christmas. It's still quite dark and the excuse to light candles not around as much as in the build up to Christmas. And with smallish children candles are never really a good idea.

These Rowanberries are pink and there's rainwater dripping from them but I thought they looked quite nice and then realised that I had a t-shirt with a similar print at home. When it gets warmer I shall wear it again.

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