It Has Started

We went and met Mr & Mrs Grumpy at The Larder this morning for breakfast and then Mr G helped me hang the pictures. The spaces will be filled next week. Even just the four pictures had made a difference to the place which seemed to please the staff.

I got four shots of the morning sky before the colour vanished - it lasted all of two minutes.

PD got a bit bored with me taking pictures of mushrooms and leaves in the 'Noir' style (for the camera club's weekly challenge) and went for a wander in the burn as part of his power struggle. I wasn't as happy with the dead weed shots.

SWMBO has been back to the dentist this afternoon. The socket for the tooth she had removed last week is/was still giving her trouble so she was back to have it checked and repacked ……… it is just the depth that is causing a long healing time.

It is a speaker at the camera club tonight - new to us so I have no idea what he is going to be like.

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