Hold On Tight............

It was rather blowy last night and not much better this morning when I went out with PD.
That meant that the stream had a lot more leaves in the water than there were on Thursday. There were a lot more on the paths too.
I tried to get an idea of the movement of the trees and branches. This was probably the best.
Most of the leaves are brown (queue The Mamas and Papas), although the Whitebeam is a bit of an exception ….. and well named.

When SWMBO and I came out of the supermarket we met H's youngest son who was looking after his sleeping daughter - which gave me my blip.

I suspect that PD found 'something' that took his fancy on our afternoon walk.
That conclusion was reached when I came in from a short spell at the lathe and found that he had thrown up. Luckily it was on his blanket so that is now in the wash.

SWMBO had taken herself off to bed due to a migraine which is why the evidence was on the floor.

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