Today's the day ………………………….. to fill in
This is a rather miserable picture for a number of reasons.
I didn't actually take it myself - but it arrived at my computer today, so I reckon it can count as today's blip! It was taken last Friday - when the weather was particularly appalling - and it is a view of the digger as it went about the task of filling in all the trenches at the Tongland Abbey Archaelogical Dig.
Readers of this journal will know what an important part this Dig has played in my life this year - so I'm quite glad that I wasn't there to see it all covered up again under several feet of soil. But, as I said last time, it's not all doom and gloom because it was a particularly successful season. We can be 90% certain of what we have found and where we are in the abbey complex - and one of the objectives of next year's work will be to find further evidence to confirm that. The extra shows a finely carved stone fragment with residual traces of red paint found in Trench 21 - which may have come from a memorial effigy within the abbey.
And then in the meantime - there's the Diggers' Dinner in December to look forward to ……………………..
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