Very fishy

Uptown to see the final PP&P - The Sweetest Growl, with Elaine C Smith, so yes, a bit panto-like, which I thought tolerable enough, unlike the SK who was ready to hurl her knitting at the stage. Home and then round to the daughter’s for a brief chat and big hugs before I got kindly dropped off at the Dreadnought which was stowed! I had to perch on a stool.
Political brexity shenanigans continue unabated with "Northern Ireland being cut loose, by the same Boris Johnson who less than a year ago was telling the DUP conference that any customs or regulatory distinction between Britain and Northern Ireland would "damage the fabric of the union", and: "No British Conservative government could or should sign up to any such arrangement." How is this suddenly acceptable to today’s Tory party? Because, sighs a former minister, his colleagues "don’t give a shit about Northern Ireland and don’t care about the union". Only Brexit matters now.” (J.Freedland, Guardian)
I think that hasn’t gone unnoticed in West Harbour Road.

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