Cookie Night...Oh Yes...It's Cookie Night

There were six of us tonight to attack Grandma Lisa's sugar cookies. Armed with butter knives for the slather, toothpicks for the intricate work, and sprinkles for adornment...we dove in.

Lisa only made a single batch. Sometimes she makes 3 or 4 batches, so we knocked this off pretty quick.

You can tell my cookies by the lack of sprinkles on them. THE COOKIES STAND BY THEMSELVES! Cookie and frosting only. WE DON'T NEED NO STINKIN SPRINKLES!

Lisa and Merrick were the only ones who would pose for me. The other decorators were me, Aunt Terrie, Aunt Lori, and SIL Doug.

By hook or by crookie...
we frosted some cookie.

The time spent was nice(ing),
as we put on the icing.

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