
Is a good word to describe the post-injection pain I've been experiencing and which kept me and poor Minkelina up all night.  As I repeatedly changed position, got up or even moved into a different room, Minkie followed, snugging herself up to me for as much time as we were in one place, then dragging herself along to the next and snuggling again.  It was so awful that I called the doctor's office this morning asking for a prescription for pain relief.  Since these are controlled substances, I had to go there myself and sign for the prescription.  So Doug was once again called into service to take me back to Edmonds.  At the doctor's office, I discovered that I didn't have my driver's license with me, without which they could not release the prescription.  Since I had to show my ID and insurance card when registering at the hospital yesterday, they hadn't made it back into my purse where I keep them.  Finally the receptionist went back through my electronic record and found a copy of my license photo that was taken when I first came to the office and determined that it and I had the same face.  So I got the prescription and Doug drove me down to my pharmacy to get it filled, and then he took me home.  Once home, I discovered that I had in fact had the license with me all along, just tucked away in a place I hadn't thought to look.  It was just that kind of day.  

Four and a half hours later, I'm feeling dopey but in just as much pain as when I started the day.  Perhaps when I take the second pill at bedtime, it will do enough good to let me find a comfortable position and sleep through the night.  I've had to cancel appointments for tomorrow and Friday and tutoring on Saturday, and I'll have to forego the shopping trip to find Sarah's wedding dress on Saturday afternoon.  That's really distressing - I was so looking forward to it.  But I'm hoping I can get someone to take a photo of her in each dress she tries on, so I can feel as if I'm involved in the process and not see just the one she chooses.

We had really lovely weather here today,  cool  but sunny and filled with extravagant color in the changing leaves, which made up a bit for all the awfulness.  I didn't manage to get any photos out there, though, so here is a shot of the rest of the Halloween display outside 201.

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