Mum! Look!

I couldn't resist these lights when we went to Ikea so this is a blip purely to show my Mum that they look bloody lush round my mirror!

Back to school without a hitch. Red WAS late for nursery but 8.45 was always optimistic* so 8.30 is, quite frankly, an unrealistic expectation. So I shall not worry about it and he will get there when he gets there.

A busy morning tackling paperwork and phoning up banks so they could pass the blame back and forth. A lazier afternoon with a shattered Red, pottering in between reading and playing with him.

This evenings big excitement came at tea time - I took a cottage pie (or maybe shepherds) out of the freezer yesterday. Only it was fish pie. But I only found that our when I dished it up. Luckily I did concentrate so didn't smother it in gravy....

*8.45 was easy if we drove but the simple logistics of the layout of the school (it used to be 2 separate schools) and the timings of drop offs for the others meant it never happened if we walked.

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