Dog Walking

While Ben and Ally went to rugby, I took the girls and Red for a walk around the Castle with Clare, Sam and the dogs. Unsuprisingly, Red cried for much of the walk however this was one of the happier moments when Bella was trying unsuccessfully to throw a ball for Gussie using the ball chucker thingy. It is not the best photo as Princess is all blurry but it is the one that shows them laughing the best. If I was poncy I would say that it is the one that captures the essence of the mood...

After we tried to go for coffee but failed miserably so came home and I cleaned the inside of Ben's disgustingly mingingly horrific car. I have been refusing to go in it because of the state of it. But now I am to use it every other day to stop the battery going flat and the car seats going mouldy...

Happy Sunday everyone :-)

Dad - that strange symbol is a sideways smiley face - turn your laptop on it's side ;-) (a wink)

Also the spots on the photo are not spirits/ghosts/souls, nor are they dust. they are not even snow. Just good old Cornish mizzle (I believe that is what it is called). The stuff that doesn't fall but is just in the air and soaks you.

Oh and another thing, my friend has started blipping - Gussie is the same dog as Bella was taunting with the ball thrower thingy...

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