
Perth 10:36

Took a wander down to the Tay and into town in the grey drizzle, before the forecasted afternoon downpour. Black-headed Gulls were out in force on the North Inch, being harassed by the Carrion Crows. A pair of Goosanders flew upriver and the Jackdaws were in their usual haunts around Smeaton's Bridge. In the backwater at the far side initially two males and a female Goosander and a bit further on a male with two females provided today's photo. Crossing back over the railway bridge a Carrion Crow with a significant amount of white feathers caught my attention. I then cut across the South Inch where like the North Inch it was mainly Black-headed Gulls and Carrion Crows, but mixed among the Gulls were a couple of Common Gulls.

Considering the amount of time we've spent in Perth over the last ten years I then made a surprising discovery - there's a pond on the South Inch! Not a bad spot either, apart from the Gulls and Crows, Moorhens, Mallards and a pair of Mute Swans were in residence. A nice bit of local birding before the rain set in.

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