Bonsai Day.......

Today was the FBSO Meeting........   Forest Bonsai Society of Ocala....  there were probably 45-50 people there for the meeting.  It was a good gathering, we enjoyed lively discussions and fun work on the Club tree which is a forest of Simpson Stoppers.  We all took turns working on the 8 trees, giving input, wiring branches, and generally having a wonderful time.
     I did pull myself away and went to walk through the nursery.  There were several beautiful, old, large trees outside on display.   With my trusty iPhone in hand I walked around and took some photos.
     The orange flowers were on the Mexican Hat tree,  that's about 15 years old.  There is a Willow Ficus, about 20 years old, a Serissa on the bottom right , about 5-7 years old,  and a  deciduous  tree on the left, age unknown.             All of the trees are owned by other persons.   
     They are, however, a good representation of different trees that have been grown and train to be a bonsai.

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