Molly was running, running, running.......

I haven't been able to walk the dogs for well over a week now, The Snow Birds (winter people) are coming back from their summer homes.   With their return, people here are getting colds and coughs and some creeping crud.  Well, their pets have brought down the crud with them as well.  Abby came down with Kennel Cough.   I have kept the girls inside now for10 dAYS.  Molly never caught the crud, but was did and now she is much better.
      I couldn't take Molly's stink eye any more....  she is furious that she isn't get her walks in. I left Abby with a chew and put Molly in the car, took her to our favorite huge field and let her run her heart out!  She was in full blown, flying mode!   After 15 mins, though she laid down in the field and panted, panted, panted.  When the car door was opened, she readily jumped inside. Home we went, and Molly slept the rest of the afternoon.  In Fact......
she is sound asleep beside me, right now!

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