You Find It In The strangest Places

It's not worth it is it?  

Tooli has had a ball.  

Ma and Da buy her drink all weekend.  Feed her, take her round to look at cars.   Had lunch out.  We've all moaned together about how tired we are, but come six tonight, I needed fresh air and light before it disappeared. 

Apart from five other people and two dogs I was all alone.   I watched a plane coming into land - and tried to quickly grab it as it came in and out of the clouds. 

Look at the size of it - it looks tiny against the whole of the sky - and almost the same size as the sea gull a little farther along. 

But it's a cargo plane - it'll be sitting on the runway tomorrow when i go to work. They are massive machines.  I am in awe every day when I see them take off and land.   I have no idea how science works to let them fly. 

I crouched on the beach and took pictures of the shells, and then lay there, for a few minutes, contemplating how I was going to get up.  Scramble up I did and meandered home.  Knees damp with sand clinging. 

When I got home I discovered Tooli had emerged from her bed again and had also headed out for sunlight and fresh air.... she's running though... oh, just come back in. 

So now, we are going to sit down with Bacon Butties, and Cups of Tea.  Have a lazy evening, and hit bed early.   And hopefully wake up tomorrow morning all feeling restored and ready for another week!

In other news. 

Bean brought me a mouse back to day, to the garden as I harvested sunflower seeds.  She yelped and yelped until I said "well Done Beanie", and then she ate it. All, In front of me. 

Oh dear god I've just seen the shorts Tooli has been running in. 

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