midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Somerset Levels

Had a leisurely start to the day and realised mid morning that we should have been on the overnight ferry the night before. Ahhh, mmmmm.....oops. Nothing to be done other than have a really good day with our hosts and make the most of it. So I cooked us brunch, we helped Shanon de-clutter and went out to the Somerset Levels for a walk and to hopefully catch the starlings murmerating. The bird life was abundant and I've never seen so many swans in one place, there are 4 coming in to land in this shot.
It was magical. the sun came out for the last hour of the day and the levels looked stunning in the evening light. The starlings arrived steadily for about 30 minutes and gave us a short but amazing show, which about 50 of us watched in quiet, whispering awe. There must have been hundreds of thousands of starling coming in to roost.
We followed up this spectacular show with a pint of Christmas Cracker a game of skittles and a darts match in The Railway pub - a fab place and one of a dying breed, rural, family run & unspoilt charm.
We made it to the ferry and bagged ourselves a couple of sofa's and slept the entire crossing.

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