
15°C  -  10 mph Wind  -  Visibility 6.2 miles  -  Mostly Sunny  -  Clouds.  G.P appointment this afternoon.  My usual G.P. is on maternity leave after giving birth to a little boy, so I had a doctor I hadn’t met before.  Fortunately she had hear of Achalasia so understood where I was coming from. Another specialist referral  -  I wonder how many weeks that will take!  Called in at Nature Reserve on my way home.  At a pedestrian crossing there was a collie dog sitting quietly.  I stopped the car and in a few moments he was joined by an elderly man who was obviously his owner.  It’s super to see a dog so well trained  -  better than some humans actually.  I wish I’d had my Nikon P900 with me because the seals and cormorants were enjoying the island in the centre of the Basin see my Extra  -  even at full zoom I did not get a good shot with My Canon SX70. I might take my P900 down there tomorrow.  The Ranger said they were usually there at low tide these days.  I think the Heron is the same one I blipped yesterday  -  couldn’t resist another blip today☺

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