begin again...

...this year - 2013

it's not too late - after all... it's just begun really

is that silly? it's only that i was thinking the other day - and i've got this rock which says "begin again" on it... and you all should know by now how my mind works - it gets all twirly gig - and hippity - hoppy... doesn't quite know when to stop and all - and when a new year begins - well, people get all wrapped up in resolutions now - don't they? don't they? you know they do... "what's your new years resolution?" "what are you starting the new year with?" "what do you have planned for this year?" like if you don't have something cool and strategic going down - you're a moron - something's unquestionnably wrong with you - the year's going to be a bad one for you - without a resolution in place, i mean... the world's going to end - (we saw how that didn't happen, too, didn't we?) boo!

i happen to be a person who doesn't advocate resolutions - i don't really believe in them - i think they can mess with you - set you up for failure - be a not so positive experience... i tend to stay away from them... instead i simply review the year past - look at the year ahead - and say to myself, "self - you get to begin again - you get a do over - to make this coming year better than last year... whatever that might look like - are you in, self?" i try really hard not to put any pressure on myself at the beginning of a new year - i'm too much of a perfectionist to know what will happen during the remaining months...

well then... i noticed my rock - got to thinkin' - how cool would it be to offer folks a do over right now - of the start of their new year? we're not too far in - just a few days... so here's your chance, people - if you think it's silly - goofy - not for you - don't participate... if you want to give it a go, by all means - jump in with both feet - and begin again - no one has to know - or be any the wiser - no questions asked - it's just one of those things i thought would be kinda cool - would make for an interesting blip - and clearly could make someone's day...


happy day.....

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