
A snap of Olivia with my brother's beloved dog, Blue. Olivia used to be really quite nervous of him but this holiday she just wanted to stroke him and be with him all the time. He's getting really old now and not in very good health so this is probably one of the reasons why Olivia feels a little more confident with him as he doesn't jump up and barge around as much now. Dexter, is as confident as ever with Blue and this holiday took to calling him 'Blue Doggy' and pestering the life out of him. I have to add, that in a rare show of responsibility from my brother, he took the kids to one side and warned them that just because they could stroke and play with Blue, it was very important that they didn't go up to strangers' dogs and try and stroke them as all dogs react differently. Myself and hubby were quite impressed by this as it's not often we hear anything but a joke or a wind up coming out of his mouth!

Forgot to mention that myself, Olivia and Mum went to see the Pantomime of Cinderella this afternoon and although it was quite a lot of fun, especially in the second half, Olivia announced that she didn't want to go again next year!

After putting the kids to bed this evening myself and Hubby went to the airport to fly to Dublin for our first proper 'mini' break without the kids. Very exciting and loads of pangs of guilt at the same time.

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