... with one eye open.

By Chamaeleo

Menorca Day 12: Ciutadella Street Shapes

Crisper shapes and shadows in large.
Extras: Street Art (with perpetrators?) & Meson El Gallo guard cats
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Imogen went for another trek, so I dropped her near Ferreries, before driving on to Ciutadella for a gentler day... I'd hoped to go to Herbera Bakery but it wasn't open, so I ambled around, and was pleased to discover that there was a (permitted) Street Art project on in the old town, so I poked my way around lots of side streets seeing what I could find. Good motivation to explore the various winding ways there...
I picked Im up after her walk, and we went on to Meson El Gallo for supper; they've two friendly cats there, and we also saw massive Convolvulus hawk-moths which visited the Hibiscus by our table after dark (not ideal conditions for in flight close-ups, especially with the 20mm lens mounted).

Other photos from this day are here (or right from Pre-glow)
Favourites: Shortlist & Longlist
Themed albums: ZooTrottingSunrises & StormsNature, & Imogen

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