After work, I went looking for Evil One. No luck but I did get a lot of steps in and enjoyed so many sights and sounds. Finally decided to make it an early evening and go home to make dinner. As I was crossing the bridge to go to the parking lot, a woman waved me over to where she was standing. "A heron", she whispered. Oh no, that was not just a heron, it was Evil One pretending to be your average fish-loving heron.
Long story short, I explained to her why I called it Evil One and she doubted as "all herons look alike". Nope, I know this heron and I had no doubts about it. Within minutes, it began looking up the slope into the woods (rather longingly). I said, let's give it some space and see what happens. Sure enough, the moment we walk away, it starts tiptoeing up the slope into the woods.
She laughed and I ran as I knew it must have been tempted. Lucky for the chipmunk, I scared it and it narrowly escaped the beak. Not so lucky for the next one that froze in the tall grasses :( The woman agrees with me - there is definitely something not right about this heron. She had a few other names for it....
By the way, that is the tongue sticking up....
The saga continues.
D x
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