Random Ramblings

By McJax


Backblip ! Forgot to do this on the day (probably because the day wasn't that exciting, just long).

Traveling home today - Vic Falls to Johannesburg, Johannesburg to Heathrow then Heathrow to Edinburgh hopefully arriving, with bags, at 10:30am on Sunday.

THANK YOU for all the hearts, stars and comments - Nature did all the hard work, I was lucky just to glimpse what she presented. Beautiful Africa - see you again soon I hope.

A final view of Victoria Falls spray from the hotel roof, then time to say goodbye to fellow tour group people .... some I will be happy to stay in touch with, and one absolutely not! That's not bad given 11 strangers were thrown together ... no cross words, just there's only so much you want to hear about a person's life, especially when you haven't asked :-)

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